June 19, 2013

create + live | Bri Lopez

The ability to dream is one thing but the ability to create and live your dreams is another. The journey is tedious but the reality of living your dreams will make it worth it. There's one aspiring videographer who's multifaceted in creative culture and her name is Bri Lopez. She's not just creating her dream...she's working to live it as well. Get to know her.



For me, the aspiration came from realizing that I had complete and full control over what I can do with a camera. It started about two years ago when a good friend of mine had a camera. I picked it up one day and it really all started from there. I was blown away at the fact that I could literally create something out of nothing. I brought a camera of my own not long after and that was it. At first it "felt" like a hobby because everything was new to me. I began by taking pictures and then slowly but surely started to use the record button where I would help with projects for a group that I'm affiliated with called 3DLOOK4DALOGO. That's when it all started to become an obsession. From there I immediately tested the waters and started doing small projects with friends and associates that I knew around the city. Now at this point in time, the aspiration is so deeply embedded in the fact that I have the power. The creative control to allow others to see what I see. That is the core of it all. I fee like it is my job to visually create and transport information to others. Film is probably the greatest most pleasing of the arts to me and that as well holds a big portion of my aspiration for wanting to do it more and more. Another thing is that I am truly blessed to be able to work around and be good friends with creative and extremely passionate people who give me the motivation to keep pushing forward.


The realization comes into play when I spend those late nights fishing on Craigslist and other sites for gigs that will help me in anyway. Looking for jobs whether they're paid or not, helps me reassure myself that it is a must for me to do this. Its hard being a creative because there are so many things rolling against you in a society that is set up for the "robot." I realize that there is no other way for me to live, than exactly how I am now as far as my creativity is concerned. Being patient is also something that I realize is not an easy thing to master, which is one of the key elements in all of this. Currently I am pacing my life and really digesting my experiences and relationships that will, for sure, one day be my muse for creation. The realization is probably at its greatest when there is a camera in my hand and nothing but opportunity surrounding us. I don't just do it because I can, I do it because it has become a major part of who I am.

Connect with Bri Lopez here